Aren't we are kind enough to skip a meal for them?

Aren't we are kind enough to skip a meal for them

It is obvious that Ramadan (the ninth month of the Islamic calendar)has arrived, for instance, a crescent moon seen over palm trees at sunset that day, and the untiring broadcasting of the massess welcomed it cheerfully. Of course the occasion is special for Muslims like me and for non-islamic fellows, you know pretty well and it's evident that the festival is none of their business, isn't it ? Genuinely not at all. We are connected with each other bountifully in every respect. So firstly, let us see ourself as human beings and take the ideology of sectarianism down a notch. Any way, the age-old fasting culture has come again and so it will be observed by Muslims worldwide to satisfy their spiritual needs.

Not only in islamic religion but voluntary abstinence from food has been a spiritual purification rite in many other religions too. From the 'Sermon on the Mount' we know that Jesus instructed his earliest disciples to fast. In Hinduism, Vedic scriptures strongly recommend observing a complete fast on the day of Ekadasi (a sanskrit word that refers to the 11th day of the lunar fortnight). The Jewish calendar also contains comparatively few regular fast-days.

If we confine our range of vision within our nation then clearly an awful glimpses of hungry peoples flashes in our mind. Whatsoever be the cause, they are deprived of food, for sure, and are starving desperately for it. Their expecting eyes are waiting for a bit treat from us, those who are bestowed with adequate eatables and decent necessities required for sustenance. Arn't we are kind enough to skip a meal for them? Surely we are, for God has granted us with golden hearts. The auspicious feelings that evokes within us after helping a needy are being grateful, humbled and blessed.

Aren't we, in fact, have to degrade our health to feed the impoverished? Or indirectly we are gaining advantages? It has been suggested that fasting has numerous health benefits, including: improved brain function and alertness due to greater brain cell production; greatly reduced stress levels due to the reduction in cortisol; a reduction of cholesterol; weight loss due to the use of fat for energy while preserving muscle; decrease of blood sugar; better control of diabetes;reduced blood pressure and a detoxification process, etc. Therefore, aside from offering penance, worships and quenching our devotional thirst, there also lies various aspects that drives fasting physiques towards beneficiary.

The act of fasting is said to redirect the heart away from worldly activities, its purpose being to cleanse the soul by freeing it from harmful impurities. So overlooking the defects (I mean the ill effects on those who are suffering from illness, travelling, elderly, pregnant, etc)that it possess, one can urge to commend that it is indeed a nice ritual to perceive and pursue its rich ideals. So tomorrow I am going to fast but I doubt, if I can't control my taste-bud for my favourite junks? Owe, lol!

What about yours?

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